RNA, WTS, Transcriptome

Transcriptome Research

Next generation sequencing enables gene expression analysis from normal and disease tissues with high-sensitivity. Profiling of coding and non-coding RNAs is important in revealing molecular mechanisms of development and disease. MedGenome has validated several options for gene expression profiling, accommodating a wide range of input from single-cell to thousands of cells and intact or degraded RNA due to the storage and isolation conditions.

Discover Your Application

Solutions for cells, tissues and blood with varying inputs for quality and quantity

RNA, WTS, TranscriptomeHigh Quality
llumina Solution

  • Illumina Truseq mRNA stranded
  • Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA

Low Input
Takara Solutions

  • Takara SMART-Seq V4
  • Takara SMART-Seq Stranded

Stranded RNADegraded Input
Illumina and Takara Solutions

  • SMARTer Stranded Total RNA v2-Pico Input
  • Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA

Service Highlights

  • Support with experimental design and selection of appropriate library preparation kit dependent on analysis accounting for input and quality of sample
  • Experienced in processing a wide range of sample types with options for low input and degraded samples
  • End-to-end solutions for extraction, sample QC, library preparation, sequencing and bioinformatics analysis
  • Advanced analysis offering includes custom visuals and publication ready figures for improved data interpretation


BioFX Transcriptome Analysis

  • Streamlined pipeline for fast & scalable analysis
  • Customized reporting
  • Interactive reports
  • Publication-ready figures
  • Improve data interpretation with support from MedGenome's team of experts


Explore Analysis Reports

BioFX’s transcriptome analysis platform was built using state-of-the-art analysis tools for gene expression, differential expression, pathway enrichment, splicing and fusion analysis and more.

RNA Specific QC Figures

Detailed RNA Specific
QC Figures

Gene Expression & Heatmap Visualization

Differential Gene Expression
& Heatmap Visualization

Pathway Enrichment Analysis

Pathway Enrichment

Gene Fusion & Splicing Event Analysis

Gene Fusion &
Splicing Event Analysis

Tumor Microenvironment Analysis Report

OncoPeptTUME - Proprietary tumor microenvironment analysis


Ordering and Data Delivery

MedGenome’s customer portal allows for easy sample submission and sample tracking during lab processing. Data QC, raw data and interactive analysis reports are delivered securely through customer portal.


White Papers and Technical Resources

OncoPeptTUMETM — A novel in-silico approach to model the tumor microenvironment and predict treatment efficacy and long-term survival benefits for immunotherapy applications

Cancer immunotherapy is now established as a major therapeutic modality. Cancer immunotherapy drugs elicit their anti-tumor immune response in a subset of the treated patients by activating CD8 T-cells and provide sustainable and long-lasting benefit in a few. Recently, significant efforts have been devoted to understanding the factors that influence response to immuno-therapy and/or contribute to the development of resistance to therapy. While it is appreciated that many different tumor cell- intrinsic and extrinsic features, including the tumor microenvironment, driver gene mutations, host genetics, microbiome and environmental factors modulate response to immune checkpoint inhibitors, the tumor microenvironment ecosystem could be a major contributor in regulating response to immunotherapy and development of resistance.

Validation study for next-generation sequencing of total RNA expression profiling from intact and degraded RNA samples

In this report, we validate the utility of generating Illumina sequencing-ready libraries from a wide range of samples. We discuss our quality control and decision-making for the workflow. We present data on the a) sensitivity, b) reproducibility and c) dynamic range and versatility of the kit for human and mice samples.

Whole Transcriptome QC Report

In this QC report, we show representative library QC and sequencing QC and mapping metrics that will be provided to the customer for whole transcriptome profiling from total RNA isolated from cells, fresh-frozen and FFPE tissue types.


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